Monday, December 14, 2009


Invictus, Latin for unconquered, became an essential piece of Nelson Mandela continually motivating him through his presidency of South Africa. Through these words that he held so dear, that were his way of life, he managed to unite a strongly divided South Africa.

A movie was released this past Friday to show the tale, show it did. Starring Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, and directed by Clint Eastwood, I highly suggest the movie.

William Ernest Henley was diagnosed with tuberculosis of the bone at the age of 12. As time went by the illness merely worsened, troubling him academically. As a finishing graduate, doctors told the young man the leg needed to be amputated from the knee down. During recovery Henley wrote this inspiring piece:


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Invictus, Latin for unconquered, became an essential piece of Nelson Mandela continually motivating him through his presidency of South Africa. Through these words that he held so dear, that were his way of life, he managed to unite a strongly divided South Africa.

A movie was released this past Friday to show the tale, show it did. Starring Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, and directed by Clint Eastwood, I highly suggest the movie.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The First Snow Storm

The air is crisp, the wind chillingly felt, and the snow now layered on the solid soil, yes folks winter is here. The storm slowly worked its presence from across the country dumping inches upon inches of snow on unexpected towns. Last night and early this morning, Danbury got its taste.

There was a reported 3-4 inches in the area. The storm brought sleet, rain and snow that made for messy driving. There were seventeen accidents between Danbury and Waterbury on I-84, fortunately no one was severely injured in any, along with various police calls for assistance.

Plows were out early and the storm was fought off by local city-workers plowing the streets during the early hours, and it seems they have won the battle. However the war still wages on and we will see how the city fares.


Over winter break, I will be partaking in a trip overseas with a couple cousins and eventually my brother.

Saying it, alone, makes me want to run around in excitement! There will be various new things to see, whether it be buildings, lands, stores, bars, and people, I look forward to every last bit. For the most part my cousin has mapped out our trip, I have all faith in him and have been more than willing to just wing it from the start.

The trip will start in England, arriving at Heathrow Airport in London. From here we will go to my Aunt's home and spend a night there before traveling north to Scotland. Here, we are spending a few days in a hostel then going back to London for Christmas.

On the 26th the three of us have a flight booked to Madrid. After a few nights in Madrid we are taking the train to Barcelona, where we will spend another couple nights. New Years Day, my cousins and I will meet with my brother in Paris and continue to the following year there.

After Paris, it will be two Days skiing/snowboarding the Swiss Alps.

Somewhere along the equation Dublin, Ireland fits in and Amsterdam is working on being included.

The reason I am even describing this is because of the possibility I will be updating this Blog from Europe, with pictures etc. etc. to document the trip.

and for everyone to be envious...sorry.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Energy Draining TV's

In the average home, televisions account for approximately 10 percent of the electricity bill. With this realization, the California Energy Commission has placed a new set of energy regulations on TV's smaller than 58 inches.

By improving the TV's energy usage, California is estimated to save a little over $8 Billion, or provide power to 864,000 single-family homes.

While this action seems eco-friendly, is it consumer-friendly? The restrictions on the TV's could effect the prices and possibly driving current customers to on-line or out of state stores.

The Governator, I mean Governer Schwarzenegger, "Applauded" the efforts of the commission and his states continuous strive to lead the country.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What a Hooby

I retired school teacher who used to collect model cars switched to a different vehicle to collect. Planes.

I am curious as to how someone stumbles upon such a collection, and how they afford it? Apparently, Lynn Brown sold off her old school cars-Corvettes, Shelby's, Camaro's-to gain new toy.

Strangely enough, she doesn't have her pilots license, but the fighter plane (MiG-17) would need numerous hard hours to be regulation approved. Brown merely enjoys its artistic structure.

The former teacher is well respected and known for her muscle cars on those beautiful days. Once she joked to a class about the traffic being so terrible she flew her plane in and landed it on the roof!

What a character.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rugby Dominates

Western Connecticuts sports have not faired well this season, our football team suffers a tremendously heavy burden for a record, and our Mens soccer team is nothng but average.

The best record of the season belongs to a club sport, WCSU Rugby. The Men's rugby team is currently undefeated with 5 victories and one unfortunate forfeit. The 6-0 team is preparing for the playoff season.

The first match will take place Saturday, October 31st at 1:00 , against Tufts University from Boston. Tufts is not far behind WCSU with a record of 5-1. With an outstandingly athletic and versatile team, we are hoping for the best possible outcome.

Westconn Rugby will fully appreciate any support given, so please come out and enjoy a fantastic sport that is renowned world-wide.

Danbury Deteriorating?

At one point in time Danbury, CT, was one of the safest cities in the United States. The city had low crime rates and few complaints. Have things changed? Off of memory alone, recollections of events regarding drive-by shootings outside downtown bars and gas stations have plagued the cities title of safe.

In mid October, a man grabbed a woman outside her apartment, dragged her inside, and raped her. Afterwards, he left with her tied up with duct-tape and carrying her credit cards and cash. By far, this is the most dramatic, intentional crime I have yet heard of in our area.

Locally, there have been repeated "brawls" set up between schools, fortunately none escalated to the point where action was taken. During my highschool years there was an ordeal between Danbury High and New Milford, where a love triangle sparked a feud that had various participants.

Bordering Danbury, Bethel, recently had an event that lead to the drawing of weapons and the death of one man. The call made was to a despondent armed person, the man eventually took off into the woods where police officers pursued. While attempting to convince the man to drop his weapon, he leveled his weapon at the police officer causing him to take action and release his firearm.

On top of this, in Brewster not too long ago, a 17-year-old leaving a party was enraged by a 19-year-old resident leading the 17-year-old to slash the resident with the knife. The knife managed to cause a wound on the face and hand of the resident who recieved 17 stitches.

When the new census comes out, it would be an interesting idea to compare the criime rates.