Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"A High-Tech Hunt for Lost Art"

A prestigious piece of art, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, has been thought to be hidden within the walls of City hall in Florence, Italy. As the New York Times puts it, truly something out of a Dan Brown novel.

A small portion of the vast painting currently on the wall, Battle of Marciano, has a flag with the encryption of "Cerca Trova" that translates to seek and ye should find. The words were discovered in 1975, however no means of looking behind the wall painting without removing it completely have been found until recently.

One scientist, Dr. Seracini, has at last managed to figure a way of looking behind the painting by shooting neutrons through the painting and by feedback discovering what materials lie behind it and the wall. The fact we are capable fo doing such a thing is impressive in itself.

The lost painting, The Battle of Anghiari is likely to be present in between the previous wall that was once showing and the present wall. A tight chamber was formed and because of the absence of outside forces it is expected that if there is a painting it will be well preserved.

What I find truly remarkable is the living legend of people like Da Vinci. The man is known for his scientific studies which were far more advanced for his time and spectacular art that takes the breath away. Essentially Da Vinci has lived through history and made one hell of a name for himself! Are there any modern thinkers in the worl dof today that will be looked back upon as we do upon Da Vinci?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this! I found it really interesting, as most of the blogs I read are about news events or concepts I have heard discussed over and over; This really surprised me and made me what to learn more information, so thanks again.
